2022 - 10 - 30

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The Low-Frequency Focus Hack That's Not Just For ADHD (YourTango)

An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Low-frequency Brown Noise It Works So Much Better Than White Noise. She Shares Four Other ADHD Productivity Tips To Use ...

Leave yourself a voice memo or written note on your phone to describe what you are letting go of and what you want to remember about it for the future. These pauses give you time to integrate the work that you’ve just completed and let your brain simmer with leftover ideas. Remember, our goal is doing more of what works: applying the focus you have effectively and increasing it over time. Hyper-focusing refers to tuning out the environment around you because you are completely absorbed in a task. Monitoring refers to noticing where your attention is and where it isn’t. Set a timer and take a walk, have a snack or do a Sudoku puzzle. What can you say about moving to something new that validates your effort instead of doubting your ability? It’s related to prioritizing because you have to decide what’s most urgent (time-related) and what’s most important (value-related). In fact, as you are reading this, make a fist with your left hand and put it on your forehead. These aspects of meta cognition improve how you perceive yourself and notice where your attention is directed. She told me that for the first time in years, she worked for thirty-minutes straight and finished a memo that had been plaguing her. The next morning, when Kaya sat down at her desk and turned on her computer, she put on her headphones, tuned to brown noise.

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