Writer-director Nizam Abd Razak is a big believer in the power of imagination. It's something that was planted in him when he was consuming anime as a ...
“But the biggest change we noticed from before the pandemic and after the pandemic is the way we consume content. “What this proves is that we have the capability. I think how these two connect with each other will create an excitement for the audience as well.” “There is so much anime that it is a saturated market, really. “I told my writers to do the same thing as well. And MechaBot, despite having this great power, it’s very easy to trick him. So, we needed to add a few more scenes. It’s my favourite show of all time,” says Nizam. This is how we played’.” I want to be that’.” And I thought to myself ‘this is what we used to do when we were children. So that when they see the characters in Mechamato Movie, they will say, ‘Yes, I want to do that.