While Mr Dominello was thrilled by the new technology, freedom activists online, such as the TikTok channel LaughLikeLina, have expressed outrage and fear about ...
NSW Minister for Digital and Customer Service Victor Dominello promised that any personal data from the wallet can not be shared and would be protected by international standards of digital security (pictured, NSW Government announcement) Federal Minister for Government Services, Bill Shorten, backed the introduction at a federal level for Medicare cards and licences to be held in a similar digital wallet. Mr Dominello promised that any personal data from the wallet can not be shared and would be protected by international standards of digital security. The deal will allow for credentials and licenses to be stored within a digital wallet, described by NSW Minister for Digital and Customer Service Victor Dominello as the 'holy grail' of identification. The NSW Government already offer a digital drivers' licences and credentials - such as a Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate - through the ServicesNSW app. [NSW](/news/new-south-wales/index.html) governments announced they are cooperating to allow for digital identification to be used in online applications by the end of the year.