Chinese idol-singer Cai Xukun finally responded this morning (July 3), eight days after he was accused of having a one-night stand with a woman, ...
Cai Xukun has become the latest Chinese celebrity to invite scandal after rumours about his alleged sexual relationship with an unnamed woman began ...
On Monday, Chinese pop star and fashion icon Cai Xukun took to Weibo to release an official statement and address the allegations made by a blogger who ...
Chinese celebrity Cai Xukun has been a trending topic after since allegations surfaced about a young girlfriend and an alleged forced abortion.
Chinese Superstar And Brand Ambassador Cai Xukun Responds to Sex Scandal Rumors. A week after the scandal was exposed, Cai released a statement stating that ...
On Sunday, Chinese state media CCTV removed all Cai-related content from its video streaming platform Yangshipin in response to the allegations.
Chinese pop singer Cai Xukun responded to recent allegations on Monday, admitting that he had had a "relationship" with a woman but stressed it was ...
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Chinese pop singer Cai Xukun responded to recent allegations on Monday, admitting that he had had a "relationship" with a woman but stressed it was ...
4 Jul โ While he has yet to make any statement regarding the alleged abortion scandal, it seems like singer Cai Xukun aka KUN seemed to be getting the ...
On Sunday, Chinese state media CCTV removed all Cai-related content from its video streaming platform Yangshipin in response to the allegations.
A blogger claimed last week that Cai had a one-night stand with a woman, alleging that he coerced her into getting an abortion when he found out she was ...
4 Jul โ While he has yet to make any statement regarding the alleged abortion scandal, it seems like singer Cai Xukun aka KUN seemed to be getting the ...