
2023 - 7 - 6

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Image courtesy of "CreakyJoints"

Is Anxiety or Depression Interfering with Your Self-Management? (CreakyJoints)

Individuals with chronic conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, frequently face mental health challenges. A recent study presented at the EULAR Congress ...

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Image courtesy of "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development"

Science Update: Prenatal depression may increase risk of ... (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)

Depression from six weeks gestation through the end of pregnancy may increase the risk of heart and blood vessel disease up to two years after birth, ...

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Image courtesy of "Cushing's Disease News"

Teen with ACTH-independent Cushing's syndrome also had atypical... (Cushing's Disease News)

A 17-year old girl with Cushing's syndrome developed atypical features of depression accompanied by suicide attempts and acute psychosis.

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Image courtesy of "The Pharmaceutical Journal"

Depression and 'the pill': untangling the evidence - The ... (The Pharmaceutical Journal)

A closer look at the conflicting evidence around links between the oral contraceptive and mood changes, following calls for more research in this area.

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Image courtesy of "New Scientist"

Early risers may be genetically less likely to get depression symptoms (New Scientist)

People who are genetically more likely to be active in the morning have a lower risk of experiencing symptoms of depression than those who are in their ...

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Image courtesy of "Consultant360"

Why Depression Treatment is an Integral Component of Holistic ... (Consultant360)

In Part 2 of this Q&A, Philipp Frank, PhD, discusses why paying attention to physical illness alongside mental health is an essential component of ...

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Image courtesy of "China Daily"

Depression is a disorder, not a mood swing (China Daily)

Three days after she attempted suicide and was rushed to hospital, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region-based singer and songwriter Coco Lee died at the ...

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Image courtesy of "Healio"

Depression associated with hormonal contraception indicates risk ... (Healio)

Depression associated with hormonal contraception may indicate susceptibility to postpartum depression, according to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry.

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