SNL introduces a hilarious character reminiscent of Forrest Gump, played by Shane Gillis. Find out more!
In a recent episode of SNL, viewers were treated to a comedic delight as Shane Gillis took on the role of a mullet-sporting has-been. The character, Ricky, brought back memories of the beloved Forrest Gump, with Mikey Day portraying the iconic Tom Hanks character. The skit included playful scenes where Ricky hilariously reminisced about chasing Forrest in a truck and throwing rocks at him, much to the audience's amusement.
Mikey Day got to channel the Tom Hanks character while Gillis' Ricky recalled fond memories of chasing Forrest in a truck and throwing rocks at him. โGoddamn he ...
Host Shane Gillis plays a former bully who somehow hasn't heard what happened to Forrest after he chased him back in the day.